Day -3 Wednesday August 20th 2008
Vacation needed
Exhausted beyond belief
The Man will cure me.
Day -2 Thursday August 21st 2008
Is that a head cold?
Not an omen, certainly
I’ll pack tomorrow.
Day -1 Friday August 22nd 2008
Tomorrow is here
Pick up truck and load it up
Now must go to sleep
Day 1 Saturday August 23rd 2008
Plan to leave at noon
Or rather, three, and still we
Need to buy water.
Day 2 Sunday August 24th 2008
Gorgeous Northwest drive
To hell with waiting in line
Slept in Alturas
Day 3 Monday August 25th 2008
Cows stalled arrival Greeted by epic whiteout
Worst day of my life
Day 4 Tuesday August 26th 2008
Glorious sunrise
I love this city so much
Living in the truck
Day 5 Wednesday August 27th 2008
Bikes don’t work that well
But Playa-vision is great
So, what do you got?
Day 6 Thursday August 28th 2008
Friends drop by, say hi
Evening plans delayed by nap
Deep playa teepees!
Day 7 Friday August 29th 2008
Last night on the town
Dancing, drinking, art and more
On the Rocket Bus!
Day 8 Saturday August 30th 2008
Thanks Nic for the Jeep
Left in dust storm for Reno
Slept through the Man burn
Day 9 Sunday August 31st 2008
Slept for thirteen hours
Showered twice and ate salad
Had drink, slept some more
Day 10 Monday September 1st 2008
Continued sleep binge
Watched bad TV, happily
Wished for more clean clothes
Day 11 Tuesday September 2nd 2008
Took truck to the dump
Drove toward Mt. Shasta, pretty.
Spent night in Ashland
Day 12 Wednesday September 3rd 2008
Loved the Oregon
Maybe move to Portland, but
Need to sleep on it
Day 13 Thursday September 4th 2008
Home in Seattle
Manic truck unloading and
Failed tries to make clean
Day +1 Friday September 5th 2008
Truck is a mess, but
Penske peeps think good enough
Bye Bye, fucking truck!
Day +2 Saturday September 6th 2008
Coffee, bacon, eggs
Lounging on couch, petting cat
Pizza for dinner
Day +3 Sunday September 7th 2008
Lazy Leschi brunch
Where we bump into playa
Neighbor Destiny
Day +4 Monday September 8th 20 08
Full day back at work
Swimming through “urgent” all day
Let’s just burn something.