That's 87 Starbucks stores within a five mile radius of my home. Kottke is aiming to identify the maximum Starbucks density. You can find your own here. The current maximum is 169 in a five mile radius.
When you break it down by population, Seattle is in the lead with one Starbucks for every 13,000 people (though this data is over a year old so I'm sure the number is higher now).
Based on their most recent annual report, Starbucks is doing about $520,000 in revenue from each retail store which makes the annual value of my Starbucks density is $45.2 million. That's a lot of double tall nonfat lattes.
my density is zero. in fact, I think the nearest Starbucks is over 20 miles away in another state.
Posted by: jessamyn | Tuesday, January 25, 2005 at 06:48
Hm, roughly 10,044,444 double tall nonfat lattes. And 22 near home. Yikes. ;)
Posted by: dakini_grl | Tuesday, January 25, 2005 at 08:11
You have me beat by 3. I have 84 starbucks within 5 miles.
Posted by: Lara | Tuesday, February 01, 2005 at 17:54
We are a small Mom & Pop Coffee Shop, and have been #$%@#& in the #$$ buy Skarphucks, in the very same center.........
Posted by: John | Tuesday, May 03, 2005 at 08:17